Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ready for a change!!

Okay.... I either need a snow day or the sun to shine continuously! I am getting tired of winter. I changed my blog to something cheery and hope it catches on! I love spring and I am anxiously awaiting the dead looking lawn,trees, bushes etc. to come to life. However, I would like the wind to take a break this year-PLEASE! I am thankful that I arrive home from work and it is still light... hooray the days are getting longer. I love the seasons here in Idaho but I am a California girl and I need the sun!!!


Mindy said...

I am so with you Kim!!! I am ready for the longer days. :D I want to be able to go outside!

Janiece said...

Boy, do I agree with you!
BUT...the geese are still here, when they leave that is my tell tell sign that winter is coming to a close.

The Kidds said...

Well I am technically NOT a california girl but I sure wouldn't say no to a whole bunch of sunny stuff. I hate winter and by the time February comes around... I'm ready to beat feet to Mexico- I just can't get Shaun to agree to come. Anyway- thanks again for letting us crash your Sunday this weekend- it was so fun seeing all of you and Ty is still talking about Sayger.

Darrington Family said...

Love the cheer! I fully agree with you! I am FREEZING! It's okay when your riding a snow machine (which, by the way...we still need to plan a trip)...but other than that....I'm ready for some SUN!!!