The wrestling stance!
Last weekend was Sayger's first wrestling tournament. We didn't take pictures because we were not really sure how it was going to go. First, Sayger does not always pay attention if he thinks his picture is being taken. Second, he not very aggressive in sports and we were all afraid he would not like it. To our GREAT SURPRISE.... Sayger won his first two matches and fought diligently for the last two. He was never pinned just out scored. I was a nervous wreck. I was afraid I would come out of the stands if someone hurt my baby, however, I have turned into his biggest fan as I twist, turn and jump from my seat to assist him in his maneuvers. This weekend they wrestled in Kimberly and he won one match, tied and lost two so he received a bronze medal. His dad was right down there on the floor twisting, turning and trying to mentally assist him too. Parents can not go to the mat and coach, for any reason!(I think this is a good policy) Last weekend when we came through the door, arriving at home, he turned and said "Today was the best day of my life!" I can not tell you what that means to his dad, he ate, drank and slept wrestling in high school and believes it is the greatest sport ever! The last couple of practices have been awesome as I watch our little man learn moves and fundamentals that help him gaining the skills he needs, I also take a very sweaty and smelly little boy home. I would like to thank his coaches for the time they take to help these little guys begin their careers in sports, you are wonderful!
Dad called me last Saturday to tell me about it- I knew he was pretty proud because he generally doesn't just call me out of the blue! I also heard you were quite the animated fan- cheering and hollering!
Sounds like he did great. Too bad they're early and a ways a way or we'd have to come watch!
Way to Sayger
Way to go Sayger...sounds like you are quite the little wrestler. I guess that will be just one more thing you will have to show me when you guys come to visit this summer. Although you'll have to wrestle Ricky or Dad and I will join your mom in the cheering section!!! Wish I lived closer so I could come watch you!
That is wonderful!
I am the same way at Taekwondo Tournaments!
I always feel sorry for the people around me.
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