Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Pickin PIGS!!!"

They are so cute!!
This one stands out...
Take me, Take me, Take me...
It is that time of year-4H and "pickin pigs!" This is the highlight of spring. I can't tell you the number of years we have shown pigs in 4H. It started with Kenna and Charlce and has been passed on. They absolutely love to go and pick out their pigs-of course dad gives and opinion here and there- but they could spend the entire day there watching those baby pigs. I would agree, baby pigs are pretty darn cute:) However, the smell is not so cute!

1 comment:

Darrington Family said...

Sounds like boys would have a hay day! I'm sure we'll get into that one of these days....who knows. Have a Happy Easter!